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Industrial Park Renovation

Time:2024-07-24 Views:1

Recently, we have renovated and upgraded the lighting scheme for an industrial park. This saves more energy and manpower for the industrial park. 

Before the renovation: 

The lamps in the industrial park need to be manually turned on and off by managers at a specific time every day, which may lead to the risk of untimely operation and forgetting to turn on and off the lights. Moreover, once the lamp is turned on, its power consumption remains unchanged, resulting in unnecessary energy waste. 

After the renovation: 

The lamps in the industrial park only need to be installed with our sensors to become smart control lamps. Managers can set the lamps through the mobile phone APP, such as the time to turn on and off the lights, the brightness and color temperature of the lights, etc., and can also upload the energy consumption data to the cloud platform for download and viewing. 

新功能 (2)

 After becoming a smart lamp, there is no need for managers to turn it on and off manually. When a person or a car is detected coming, the lamp will automatically turn on, and the lamp will turn off after the car or person leaves. This does not require a dedicated person to supervise and can also reduce unnecessary lighting time.